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Your Brief Guide to Mobile Home Types

Manufactured Home Insurance Explained

We all have that dream house: a home that has everything we need to live comfortably. Sometimes, we know exactly what our dream home will look like. Other times, our dream home may be an impractical idea. There are also times where our dream home is just out of our financial reach or we can’t find the perfect place to meet our needs. Luckily there are more affordable options in Manufactured and Modular Housing. Unlike “site-built” housing, Manufactured and Modular homes are usually built in factories and can be transported to different locations. These homes also cost 10%-35% less than a comparable site-built home. When most people think of mobile homes, they think of shabby trailers in desolate trailer parks. But there are beautiful homes that you’d never know were mobile. This article is going to break down the different types of mobile homes and what it’s like to own one.

Manufactured home insurance coverage

Manufactured Homes

A manufactured home is housing that is built in a factory. These are the modernized upgrade to the mobile homes that became popular in the ’50s, ’60s, and ’70s. These houses are built to comply with the Federal Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards also known as the HUD Code. They come with all of the amenities of a standard house including plumbing, electricity, and gas. They also can come with front lawns and backyards depending on the land that is purchased for the home. Each manufactured home comes with standard features but can be customized to fit your wants and needs. They can be built with different types of floor plans and can even be made accessible for those with special needs. Unfortunately, some cities and towns have outdated zoning laws so there may be some restrictions to where a manufactured home can be built. Since manufactured housing is mobile, the wheels are never removed and instead are covered by side skirts on the bottom of the house. Manufactured homes usually take 8-14 weeks to build.

Manufactured Home Insurance Explained

Modular homes

Modular Homes are very similar to manufactured homes when it comes to amenities. One of the main differences is that modular homes comply with federal standards while modular homes are built to state standards. The construction of a modular home usually happens on-site where different box-like modules are placed and attached to create one full home. Another great characteristic of modular housing is that these homes are infinitely customizable and can have different parts attached at any time. Unfortunately, modular homes usually don’t come with garages or porches. Modular homes are usually permanent and treated like site-built homes when it comes to financing. They usually take 4-6 weeks to build.

Now that you know the types of mobile homes available, you can begin to decide which one is best for you. Mobile/ Manufactured homes come with a lot of risks so you should also look into purchasing a mobile home insurance policy. If you have questions about the pricing of mobile home insurance coverage you can request a rapid mobile home insurance quote right now. Try something different and get a dream home you can afford!

Mobile Home Types | Modular vs Manufactured | Mobile Home Insurance



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